Social Media Markets

By Seyed E. Zamani (Author)

Language : English
Pages : 114
Paperback ISBN : 9789358813562
Hardback ISBN : 9789358813678
Currency Paperback Hardback
Us Dollar US$ 34.45 US$ 38.54


This book explains the methods for develop economic and business as good production and marketing by network marketing and self business with high output and new ways of marketing and also developing workshops and self business . Also presented the ways for control of costs and avoid extra costs with plans of incomes development .

About Contributor

Seyed E. Zamani

The Author has Published Much Social and Story Books, Since 2005 by Amazon Publisher in America and Other World Publishers in English , German . French and other global Languages You can consider much published Books by Major international Publishers and also Visit : Face Parsian Zamani


Business & Economics : Industries - Media & Communications

Juvenile Fiction : Social Issues - Special Needs