Without Destination

By Amina KHELALFA (Author)

Language : English
Pages : 86
Paperback ISBN : 9789356649125
Currency Paperback
Us Dollar US$ 19.90


Without a destination is a novel that addresses a psychological and emotional complex as well as a social and academic problem by telling a story of a smart, classy and ambitious girl with very big goals and dreams. This girl entered the university recently. She was shocked by the great decline in the sacred illusion of the campus. Without destination is a diving into the counterfeit truth of the university and society, and confronting them.

About Contributor


Amina Khelalfa is an Algerian writer born in 1999 in Taher, in the province of Jijel. Student at the National School of Algiers mathematics teachers in Algeria.


Fiction : General

Education : Teaching Methods & Materials - Social Science

Education : Students & Student Life