Drizzling Words

By Tullika Rastogi (Author)

Language : English
Pages : 75
Paperback ISBN : 9789358815559
Currency Paperback
Us Dollar US$ 9.00


Life is a combination of multiple thoughts and events throughout. We sail through different types of emotions and feelings throughout our lives. Our life is part of this beautiful nature. So I am presenting my thoughts on nature and its wisdom, in the form of poems for my audiences. In my book “Drizzling Words” of poems, I have tried to reveal my emotions. I am sure you all will enjoy how the connection of each life is with nature.

About Contributor

Tullika Rastogi

My favorite area is always presenting my thoughts. Though I am a science student but invariably interested in writing what my mind and heart think about. So I started writing my expressions in the form of quotes, poems, stories, imaginative writing, and emotions of my intellect. After completing my management studies, and working for media companies in corporate ad-sales for a long time, my interest for writing never diminished. So I am eager to present my thoughts and feelings in different books in different genres for my audience.


Poetry : General

Poetry : Subjects & Themes - General

Poetry : Subjects & Themes - Nature