Robots Bring Social Benefits

By John Lok (Author)

Language : English
Pages : 551
Paperback ISBN : 9789357902403
Currency Paperback
Us Dollar US$ 68.00


• This time machine science story concerns one lecturer invents one time machine to help the main actor his student Johnny to catch his time machine to go to the future time and go back the present time travel. His student Johnny's surprising journey will be described in this fiction. This story introduces one scientist invents one time machine to bring whose one student to go to future time journey. It is my first science fiction novel written and a science comedy, a time travel science story. This scenario of this series takes place in four stages of journey. This lecturer will memorize to speak to let his students to know from his final time machine journey to early time machine journey. The Boston university Lecturer, Jim had invented on time machine. This time machine can apply space black hole principle to hekp any earth travellers to enter any bilding black hole wall to go to our future, even go back either present or past time. Their journey will be very exciting. In their machine time journeys , they had encountered aliens, futuer robotic enemy, even the Boston university lecturer Jim his future himself. The Boston university lecturer, time machine inventor, Jim and his student, johnny, time traveler both have gone into the future to the year 802,000 I and have come back present in final journey, after they had experienced several different future time journeys. They expect to find a better world with highly intelligent people and great inventions. Instead, they find that people have become weak, child-like creatures. They dance and sing, and wear flowers. They seem happy, but they also felt fear. Whether what cause they felt afraid, but why are they so frightened when they knew whether what will happen in the future ? And who or hat has stolen their time black hole wall machine? Will these two time travelers, ever be able to return to the present ? • The first journey indicates the Boston University lecturer, Jim's time travel machine invention and who invites the student , Johnny to enter this big circle time machine to go to future time travel together. • The second journey indicates Johnny go to the future court judgment journey alone. Johnny will meet himself in the future Boston city US court in the future time. • The third journey, the time journey traveler Johnny who will enter the time machine to discover whether who will do what kind of job in Boston University. • The fourth journey, he will describe who is one human development science subject lecturer and he can see himself who is teaching in one large lecture hall as well as who can listen what his is teaching in the lecturer hall. Thus, he will know what he will teach and he will write all notes to remember to prepare his teaching in the future. • The final journey, they will catch time machine to go to space black hole planet to travel. But, it is the most important mission to save human life for them. Whether what this mission is, how they can save human life ? In his final journey, I shall give my opinions to indicate what reasons will cause (AI) artificial intelligent tools to be applied to social military defense weapon by human’s intention. In my this books, I hope my readers can know what will cause human’s immoral behaviors to bring our societies to bring more dangerous or risks or threats if human applied (AI) technology to achieve whose immoral or ambitious intention. Finally, I hope that human ought not apply (AI) technology to do any behavioral attack to satisfy ourselves interest or dominate global world ambition to avoid (AI) technological war occurrence in the future one day.

About Contributor

John Lok

This is my only one science story to bring readers to use time machine to travel to future time or go back past time. Readers can feel surprise to enjoy this time machine invention.


Fiction : Alternative History

Art : Subjects & Themes - Science Fiction & Fantasy