You Write, We Publish

Turn your work into professional printed books and ebooks, publish, print, and sell worldwide in 15+ languages.

Set your remarkable journey from a writer to an author with Writat, end-to-end book publishing platform.

Start Your
Self-Publishing Journey


If you want to tell your unique story without reservations, keep full ownership of it, earn 7X more than a traditional publishing deal, and establish your legacy, become a book publisher at Writat.

EBook Publishing

Hardcover and Paperback Publishing

15+ Language Support

Sell Globally. Print Locally

500+ Amazing Cover Designs

Different Templates for Different Genres

Zero Inventory

Access to Self-Publishing Expert

Print on Demand Solution

Sell to Your Readers Directly

Personal Dashboard for Tracking Sales

Earn 80% of the Profits

Opt Smartphone Book Publishing

No Hidden Costs of Terms

Full Control of Rights

40K Distribution Partners

Excellence in Online Book Publishing - What Makes Writat Likable?

Writat is One of the Few Global Self-Publishing Sites that Offers 80% Profits, Print on Demand, Total Ownership, and the following Benefits.

We are Costless:

Register, design, publish, distribute, and print your book at no cost.

Distribute Globally:

Reach readers and sell worldwide regardless of your location, genre, and book language.

Sell Locally:

Access retailers, booksellers, libraries & printers from your chosen country and city.

Language Support:

Publish your book in 15+ world languages, including English, French, German, Hindi, Tamil, and Urdu.

Worldwide Printing:

Print your books through local printers to reduce turnover time, from printing to delivery.

Zero Inventory:

Print-on-Demand model eliminates the need for authors to produce inventory, which ultimately reduces cost.

Hands-On Expert:

Need help in publishing? Contact our Assisted Publishing expert and clear your doubts anytime.

The Roadmap to Become Self Publisher

Give Your Story Wings to Fly Across Oceans

Self Publishing Package

Progress Towards Your Dream with Writat Online Self-Publishing


Free and smooth like
the Air
The DIY package is the most suitable option if you can work on your script and create book designs on your own.
  • Publish paperback for Free
  • Sell Book Globally
  • Earn 80% of the Profits


Good and Solid like
the Earth
₹ 29,999/-
The starters package is best for a hand-book or short novel. It provides the option for Marketing Add-ons.
  • Publish Book as Paperback, Hardback and Ebook
  • Premium Book and Cover Design
  • Get Complimentary Copies
  • Earn 90% of the Profits
  • Get book listed on Amazon Prime


Driving force for your
book like Water.
₹ 49,999/-
The value for money package is perfect for books with Illustrations and Images. Also, give your book a marketing kickstart.
All services in Earth+
  • Earn 100% profits
  • Kindle Promotion
  • Look inside the book
  • Metadata Optimization
  • Run targeted ads on Amazon and Social Media Platforms


Your book will never
lose its Fire.
₹ 79,999/-
The ultimate package will be profitable for you if you value your writing and wish to take your book to a new height.
All services in Water+
  • Earn 100% profits
  • Copyediting of Manuscript
  • Get your own website
  • Get a Business Card
  • Online Press Release of Book

Book Formats Available at Writat

The little bird soared high because it took the risk, decided to take the plunge, and trust its wing. With Writat, there is no risk at all. All you have to do is take the dive and trust your book. We will do the rest – publish, print, and sell.



Great books need Great readers. Writat could be the best match for your book.

Self-publish your books with Writat at no cost. And that’s just the beginning of your journey. There’s more to come and much more to gain.

Join Writat

Our Address

Cowrks, Ground Floor,
WorldMark-1, Aerocity,
New Delhi 110037, India